Our Mission
Future Proofing Organisations and Staff, Providing Flexible Access to Upskilling and Quality Assured Workplace Training!
We are committed to creating an environment where learners can think, learn and achieve by engaging in the combined process of experiential and taught learning models. We aim to deliver accredited training and non-accredited training to an equal standard of excellence.
All New Links training programmes are designed to challenge, stimulate, and promote the personal and professional development of learners with a focus on encouraging all learners to reach their full potential and competency.
Our underlying philosophy is to emphasise the importance of ongoing personal and professional development to staff, associates, clients and learners alike. It is our stated intention to uphold ethical guidelines in all areas of our adult education and training programmes.
Our QQI Policies
Below is a brief overview of our policies and procedures as part of our ongoing commitment to Quality Assuring your QQI award. Our policies are updated regularly and a copy of our learner handbook will be made available to you online or in hard copy. If you are concerned about any aspect of your course please feel free to speak to your tutor or any member of staff. You may also register a query by email at tutorinfo@newlinkstraining.com Please note that as of January 2019 all our policies and procedures have been revised and updated in compliance with the following:
- Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012
- QQI Core Statutory Guidelines 2016
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005
- Employment Equality Acts 1998–2015
- Equal Status Acts 200-2015
For Information on GDPR & Privacy – please follow this link
Section 1. Governance and Management of Quality
New Links Training Solutions Ltd aims to carry out their duties in the management and supervision of the academic business to the highest standards of compliance. Good governance ensures that the academic decision making structures and the commercial decision making structures are clearly separated. Good governance practices ensure that there are both internal and external oversights in all the key areas of the business where decisions are made. From May 2019 New Links Training Solutions has convened a Quality Committee; these committee members (3 of who are external to the business) will provide expert opinions and subject matter insight into matters that are brought forward by our Senior Management Team.
Our quality practices are underpinned by the Principles of Good Governance:
1. We follow the rule of law.
2. Our committee representatives come from a cross-section of stakeholders.
3. We are Consensus-Oriented – decisions are made through consensus.
4. Our partnerships are based on trust relationships.
4. We are accountable – our quality committee is accountable for all decisions made.
5. We are transparent in all our record keeping, academic and business communications
6. We are responsive – we follow through on actions in a timely manner.
7. We are effective & efficient – Course delivery and decision making is based on quality standards – we do not believe in shortcuts.
8. We aim to be equitable & inclusive – we follow and enforce standards as set out in our Operations Manual.
Welcome to New Links Training Solutions QA – Click here
Governance and Management of Quality – click here
Programme Management Panel – click here
Programme Review Committee – click here
Quality Panel – click here
Results Approval Panel Policy – click here
Allocations Committee V1 – click here
Section 2. Documented Approach to Quality Assurance.
We have, in place, a comprehensive ‘Quality Manual’ which is typically referred to as an Operations Manual. This manual frames all of our day to day academic and business activities. All staff and contractors are given comprehensive induction training to help them to become familiar with the company’s policies and procedures and use of this manual.
How to Use the Operations Manual – click here
Section 3. Programmes of Education & Training
New Links Training Solutions is committed to developing, delivering and reviewing a range of programmes and services that respond to the needs of learners. We are committed to understanding the needs of our learners by:
Provision of a request for additional support forms
Reviewing and monitoring client folders
Reviewing and monitoring client/learner feedback and evaluation summary
Recording and evaluating learner enquiries
Pre-course consultation with learners
Keeping up to date with current and national trends.
This section further outlines our practices on:
- Programme development and approval
- Learner admission, progression and recognition
- Programme monitoring and review
New Links Training Solutions is committed to doing as much as we can to facilitate learners entry and successful participation in our programmes. We are equally committed to ensuring that learners are given all the information necessary to make informed choices in relation to transfer and progression in relation to the course on offer and in accordance with National practice.
Programme Development. Delivery, Review – click here
Section 4. Staff Recruitment, Management & Development
We aim to recruit and select our staff and subcontractors that we need to achieve our strategic goals and who also demonstrate the skills and attributes that are consistent with our philosophy and culture. Recruitment and selection of staff and subcontractors will comply with all legal requirements and with relevant equal opportunity legislation, affirmative action and human resource management principles, policies and guidelines adopted by New Links Training Solutions. This policy applies to all continuing and fixed term – full and part-time appointments and subcontracting trainers.
Section 4 Staff Recruitment and Development – click here
Section 5. Teaching & Learning
New Links Training Solutions provide programmes which are certified and accredited by QQI. On 6th November 2012, Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) was established as a new integrated agency (replacing the Further Education and Training Awards Council, the Higher Education and Training Awards Council and the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland and incorporating the functions of the Irish Universities Quality Board). QQI is responsible for the external quality assurance of further and higher education and training (including English Language provision) and validates programmes and makes awards for certain providers in these sectors.
Common Awards System
A new national qualification system has been introduced to further education and training in Ireland. Known as CAS or ‘the commons awards systems’, programmes leading to these awards are increasingly being offered to learners. CAS awards are part of the National commitment to the highest quality experience for you when you enrol in a course or programme.
QQI for Learners
Meeting the needs of the learners is central to New Links Training Solutions’ mission. Successful learners will, through the completion of prescribed assignments and assessments and /or exams, receive QQI awards.
QQI for Employers
It is essential that your employees have the necessary skills to be effective in their current role. An award, made by QQI tells you that the accreditation received by your employee is to a high standard and is quality assured. Through New Links Training Solutions, Learners will complete prescribed assignments and assessments and/ or exams in order to receive the relevant QQI awards
Health and Safety
The policy of the Company is to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all staff, contractors and members of the public who may visit the premises. It is also our policy to ensure that health and safety practices are adhered to by tutors and trainers in external training venues.
The Company recognises its obligations and duties as an employer to direct and manage and to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare of all employees, contractors and members of the public who may visit its premises as required under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005.
Disciplinary Action
Where advice and persuasion fail to achieve compliance with safety and health rules, it is the policy of the Company to take disciplinary action on the matter.
A Tutor handbook is provided to all Tutors which comprises Sections 1, 3, 4. 6. 7, 8, 9 and 11 of the Operations Manual as outlined on this page. Click here
SOP 9 Tutor Scheme of Work – click here
SOP 10 Instructions for Management of Learner Portfolios – click here
Blended Learning – click here
Section 6. Assessment of Learners
New Links Training Solutions aims to implement fair and consistent assessment of learners. We review our course offerings and assessment methodologies on a continuous basis to ensure that learners will achieve the specific learning outcomes as set out in teh programme descriptor. We continuously monitor learner progress and feedback provided through course evaluations. This policy is achieved by implementing the following procedures:
1. A coordinated approach to planning and assessment
2. Providing public information to learners in advance of their course
3. Ensuring the security of assessment and related processes and materials
4. Providing reasonable accommodation for students
5. Ensuring consistency of marking between assessors
6. Engaging in an internal Verification Process
7. Ensuring externality and transparency by engaging in an External Authentication Process
8. Providing formative and summative feedback to learners
9. offering a comprehensive learner appeals process
10. Demonstrating a fair and consistent results approval process
Fair and Consistent Assessment of Learners Policy – click here
Learner Handbook – click here
Section 7. Supports for Learners
Newlinks Training Solutions Ltd is committed to providing the learner with a range of supports to enable to them to succeed in all aspects of their learning journey. Our commitment to supporting our learners is evidenced across many aspects of our quality assurance system. Learner support guidelines are included in the following:
1. Learner handbook (Section 9)
2. Tutor handbook (Section 5)
3. Access to Reasonable Accommodations as set out in (Section 6) Fair & Consistent Assessment of Learners
4. Learning Management System (Access to online resources for selected programmes)
5. Company Website – www.newlinkstraining.com
6. Course Evaluation Forms (Section 9)
7. Facilities that are accessible and fit for purpose / Facilities Checklist (NLTS 83) (Section 5)
8. Equality Policy (Section 7)
9. Course Leaders to monitor effectiveness of resources and supports (Section 1)
10. Learner Portfolios outline assessment instructions and learner supports available for each module (Section 6)
11. Cross Moderation to ensure consistency of delivery and standards (Section 6)
12. QQI Website
13. Requests for Additional Supports (NLTS 022) – (Section 6)
14. Individual Learning Plans (NLTS 027) – (Section 6)
15. Extension Requests (NLTS 0053) – (Section 6)
16. Tutorial Requests (NLTS 088) -(Section 6)
Support for Learners Provider Statement- click here
We are committed to equality within our organisation and to ensuring that fair treatment is an important part of our day to day business. We wish to promote the philosophy of equality with our staff, associates, service users and other stakeholders.
We aim to ensure that services and programmes are provided fairly to all section of our wider community. We aim to ensure that services and programmes are provided fairly to all sections of our wider community. We aim to provide equal opportunities to existing and future employees, service users, associates and stakeholders.
We are committed to taking action to eliminate any direct or indirect practices or acts of discrimination which act as a barrier to achieving our equality goals. We oppose any form of unlawful or unfair discrimination covered in the 9 grounds of discrimination legislation or any condition or requirement which places another person at a disadvantage and cannot be justified.
Equality and Diversity Practice V3 2019 – click here
Section 8. Information & Data Management
This policy is provided to protect the information and data resources of New Links Training Solutions Ltd In compliance with the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 and other legislative guidelines as outlined in the policy e.g. GDPR. This policy outlines a variety of business-critical tasks and the procedures for completing these tasks. The policy also indicates administration duties and information sensitivity especially in relation to privacy and data protection. All administration duties are performed in a professional manner and in compliance with the terms and conditions dictated by:
• Internal Quality Assurance procedures
• Contracting agreement/s
• Mandatory compliance from external bodies
Section 8 Information and Data Management – click here
NLTS P104 Retention of Records Policies – click here
NLTS P105 IT Systems Usage and Security – click here
Section 9 Public Information & Communication
New Links Training Solutions is committed to providing the highest standards of service provided to our clients, learners and other users of our services. Effective communication and consultation methods are essential to our goal. Through the process of effective listening and responding we aim to develop and fortify good relationships with employees and stakeholders alike. In order to achieve this, we wish to promote and encourage open, honest and transparent dialogue on a day to day basis. Communication always needs to be seen as a two-way process where feedback from consultations is viewed as an essential part of our existence and where outcomes of dialogue are acted upon in a timely and professional manner. In addition to the above we will publish our quality assurance evaluation reports on our website or provide links to QQI reports which have been published on our behalf.
Protection for Enrolled Learners
New Links Training Solutions aims to provide a facility to protect learners in the event of unexpected cancellation of a programme. In the event that of such an occurrence, procedures are in place to facilitate the learner through transference to another programme, programmes deferral or refund.
Section 9 Communications Policy – click here
Learner Handbook – click here
Cancellation Policy – Click here
Section 10. Other Parties Involved in Education & Training
New Links Training Solutions is committed to ensuring that all professionals who are contracted to and associated with the business agree to perform to high professional and ethical standards. We approach the selection of contractors, external experts, committee members, examiners and panelists with due diligence and in compliance with the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012.
We aim to recruit and select our staff and subcontractors needed to achieve our strategic goals and who also demonstrate the skills and attributes that are consistent with our academic philosophy and culture. Recruitment and selection of staff and subcontractors will comply with all legal requirements, and with relevant equal opportunity legislation, affirmative action and human resource management principles, policies and guidelines adopted by New Links Training Solutions Ltd. This policy applies to all continuing and fixed term – full and part-time appointments and subcontracted trainers.
Section 10 Other Parties Involved in Education – click here
Section 11 Self Evaluation, Monitoring & Review
In compliance with the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012. NLTS is committed to ensuring that a comprehensive and inclusive evaluation process exists to ensure that all its programmes and additional services are maintained to an excellent standard. Learner input and feedback from learners is an essential part of this procedure and NLTS is committed to ensuring that learner input is integrated into all aspects of the process.
Section 9 Self Evaluation, Monitoring and Review – click here
Our Commitment
We update our policies and procedures on a regular basis to reflect regulatory and compliance directives from our business partners and the government. If you would like to receive any additional information on the above policies/procedures please contact us and we will be happy to provide you with the information you need.
Tutors Handbook: a procedural handbook is given to all our tutors and this may be consulted to assist with any day to day queries in the training room.
Learners Handbook: a learners handbook may be obtained by clicking here. Alternatively all tutors are in possession of a hard copy for review by our learners at any time during their study. We also provide an electronic copy to learners who use our online resources.
As part of our commitment to fair and consistent assessment of learners and our obligations under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 evaluation and monitoring reports will be published here on our website. Please click here to view our 2019 Re-engagement Report.
In September 2021 we received approval from QQI to expand our scope of provision to include Blended Learning Programmes – a copy of this report is available here.