Privacy Policy

In compliance with data protection guidelines, New Links Training Solutions has prepared the following statement outlining its privacy policy. The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate our commitment to protecting the privacy interests of our clients and website users.
Visitors can access our website and its content without providing any information about their identity. In compliance with GDPR guidelines, we will not disclose any identifiable information about any of the clients/users of our website. The only exception to this being where we use client information for the purpose of supplying the service that has been requested by the client. However, Basic customer info such as contact and financial information is required by us if you are interested in any of our courses to make a booking. We do not track our user’s browsing outside of our website.
GDPR Policy
The Data We Collect: Personal data relates to a specific individual who may be identifiable from that data. This can include:
- Contact information such as address and phone number
- 3rd party referral
- Notes from meetings/interviews/phone calls with you
- Portfolio of your work
- Videos/photographs related to assessment and/or award ceremonies
- Compliance data for QQI and/or any other certifying body e.g. date of birth, PPS number and medical card number. This information is only recorded on the QQI Business System (Cloud based system) to validate identities of learners as part of the certification process. New Links Training Solutions does not store this information electronically. This information is stored in learner portfolios which are stored securely until they are disposed of by a licenced document waste disposal service.
Who will be collecting your personal data? Your personal data will only be collected by New Links Training Solutions Ltd to provide you with current or future training services.
How your data will be collected? New Links Training Solutions Ltd collects personal data directly from you, when you:
- Deal with us by phone, letter, email or web
- Supply a CV or other form of application
- Subscribe to email updates
- Submit any information regarding an application or enquiry
- Complete training assessments
We may also collect personal data from 3rd parties, including: Supervisors, Managers, referral agencies or the person or employer/agent who is funding your course. If collecting information from a 3rd party, we will seek your consent or otherwise make you aware of the collection and the reasons for it. All learners will complete an enrollment form which outlines our policies in relation to personal information at the start of any training programme.
What we will do with your data? New Links Training Solutions Ltd may use and disclose your personal data for the following reasons:
- To process your assessments for certification
- to market our training services to you
- to improve our customer service
- to contact you on occasion with information with progression opportunities
Unless required or permitted to do so by law, New Links Training Solutions Ltd will not otherwise share, sell or distribute any of your personal data without your consent.
Your security, our priority: Our security procedures protect data from being misused, misplaced, or accessed, changed or disclosed by unauthorised people. Your data can only be accessed by authorised persons to provide you with training and training -related services. We normally retain data on our database for a period of up to 7 years. This is to allow us to provide you with a quality ongoing training service and may be a compliance requirement by an awarding body or funding authority. However, you can request removal of your data at any time.
When to get in touch with us: to further ensure the integrity of your data, you can get in touch with us at any time for any of the following reasons:
- Requesting access to your data
- You may request access to any personal data New Links Training Solutions Ltd holds about you.
- Keeping your personal data up to date
To ensure that your personal data is accurate, complete and up to date, please alert New Links Training Solutions of any changes to your details. Alternatively, we may contact you from time to time. If you have any concerns about the accuracy of the data get in touch.
To request removal of your data from our database: Under data protection laws, you have the right to be forgotten. New Links Training Solutions Ltd recognises and respects this right. You have the right to get in touch with us at any time to request removal at any time. For any of the above matters of other queries related to your data, please contact our Data Protection Officer.
In order for us to collect and retain data demographics which we use to inform us of user behaviour, some parts of our website use cookies to record single user sessions. However, you the user have some choice regarding cookies and their usage. By adjusting your browser settings, you can accept, reject a cookie or be notified when a cookie is present on a website.
Cookies are small files which are kept on a user’s computer. They are created to contain a small volume of data specific to a website or a client, and they can be accessed either by the client’s computer or by the web server. This allows the server to provide a page tailored to the user.
The information that we automatically log is as follows; your IP address, which is used to gather a wide range demographic data, your browsers user agent and referring address that we use to assist in identifying problems within our server, to identify users and finally to administer our site.