EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Assessment Including 2 Hours of Coaching


Emotional Intelligence – Leadership Assessment online test not including coaching sessions. At least one coaching session must be booked to avail of this assessment.

SKU: EQI20LA Category:

Emotional Intelligence – Leadership Assessment online test includes two coaching sessions. Additional coaching sessions may be booked in the store.

Truly effective leaders are often characterised as having a high degree of emotional intelligence or EQ which includes soft skills such as self-awareness, self-expression, stress management, interpersonal skills, and decision making. According to Daniel Goleman (2002), a leading influencer in the field of EI “70% of employees perception of the organizational climate is associated with the emotional intelligence of the leader”.

A leader with a high degree of emotional intelligence tends to be empathetic, communicates effectively, responds well to change, and has the ability to inspire others. The good news is that EQ is a skill that can be improved over time (unlike IQ which remains fixed once we enter adulthood). An EQI assessment is a valuable development tool for anyone in a leadership role. The EQ-i 2.0 self-assessment helps leaders to determine which elements of emotional intelligence they have mastered and to select items from the results that they may need to strengthen.